I have been taking lots of pictures to share...and haven't shared any lately! Get ready for a long posts and an update of what's happening in our classroom! These are in no particular order!
Congrats to our September MVP: Work Ethic!
Great job, Noah, being a hard worker!
August MVP: Courage!
Kindergarten can make anyone a little nervous at first! Way to go, Caleb, putting on your brave face!
Waiting for the Homecoming parade to start!
We started writing in our little books.
Daily Five Choices
Guided drawings: We are learning how to add illustrations to our books.
Writing the room
More writing in our little books.
Listen to reading
They love playing musical chairs to practice letter sounds and sight words.
Math Wall
Hard to believe our first quarter of Kindergarten is almost over! We are working hard and I can't wait to see what we accomplish by the end of the year!