Friday, January 30, 2015

Tacky the Penguin

This week we read Tacky the Penguin.  We celebrated this book by making Tacky...he (or she) is very unique!

Then I asked the darlings what made them unique.
Here is what they said...

"I am funny." (SC)
"I am good at gymnastics." (MW)
"I am really hyper." (DS)
"I always fall on the floor when my sister and I are having races." (HR)
"My brother has short hair and I have long hair." (LV)
"I look different than everyone else." (AK)
"I am good at gymnastics." (LW)
"I am happy." (AK)
"I wear glasses." (SC)
"I have brown hair." (DD)
"My parents love me." (HH)
"My mom and dad think I am cute." (TR)
"My dreams came true." (BF)
"I don't have a baby in my family." (KT)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

When is the 1,000,000th Day of School?

So, this is what happened in the first five minutes of our day...

 One kiddo says, "When is our 1,000,000th Day of School?"  I explained that is a lot of days and we won't have that many, in fact, you won't have that many days in school....EVER! But we did figure by the time we graduate from high school we will have approximately 2,340 days.  Then college is more!  This started,  "How many days if I want to be a cop?"  Then one darling said, "What about a doctor?"  I told her that was even more.  She just buried her shaking head in the hand and said, "Ugh....I guess I will just be a teacher."

Still laughing....funny thing, both of her parents are teachers!  Do you know who you are??

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Happy 100th Day!!!

I can't believe we are already to the 100th Day of Kindergarten, can you?! While uploading their pictures from today, I couldn't resist looking back at day one!  It just makes me smile to think how much they have grown in these 100 days.  Sure, Kindergarten is certainly about learning to read, write, count....but we've also learned more about speaking kindly, encouraging one another, and being a good friend!  I am so proud of them!  

Here are a few pictures from today!

We do look older, don't we?!

Here are a few more snapshots.  With a short day, we worked through our Daily Five rotations, then made crowns, and did an art project.  We will finish that up tomorrow with our 100 Year Bucket List.

This picture I just could not resist.  So sweet to see her helping a friend with pearls!

Happy 100th Day!